ABCs of Acting & Improv: Act And Fun! // Fridays (Beginners, in English)

“Acting is not about being someone different. It’s finding the similarity in what is apparently different, then finding myself in there.” – Meryl Streep

In this acting & improv course for beginners in English, our teacher Sofia will teach you all you need to start your theatrical journey. Acting techniques, how to use your body and voice, build a character, how to learn and own your lines instead of just memorising it. Script and subtext study, scenic presence, how to work with a scene partner and in a large group.

Through a combo of improvisation games and theatre exercises, you will train your capacity to quickly adapt to the scene and have a lot of fun! In this course, you will have the freedom to experiment in a safe environment where everything is possible! It’s up to your imagination and creativity. The self-confidence and communication skills you will gain in this acting and improv course for beginners will not only help improve your work as an actor but also in your daily life! Acting is being truthful under imaginary circumstances. So all we need to do is believe and react to what is happening around us. You are going to free yourself and enjoy every minute of it. Let the fun begin!

*Acting Course Info*

✔️5 classes (full course + free certificate): 165 EUR
✔️4 classes: 145 EUR
✔️3 classes: 135 EUR
The more classes you get the better the price 👌🏼
🎁 Discounts for early bird bookings or if you come with a friend!

Who is this course for:
🎭 Acting or improv beginners, even first-timers!
🌟 Passionate about theater or just curious? You're in!
🔄 Ideal also for those with past improv or acting courses wanting to refresh skills and ignite creativity.
👉🏼 Plus, option to continue to next level with a mini graduation show! 🎓🌟
✔️ Number of participants: minimum 5, maximum 12

Not sure yet? What about a Trial Class?

For those uncertain about commitment, you can book a trial class for our theater courses.

Attend the first class of your chosen course; if you continue, pay the full amount minus the trial class fee. Note: trial booking doesn't guarantee a spot for the full course (subject to availability).

Contact us to book a trial or get more info!

Request Trial/Info
What are the Benefits of an Act Attack course?

Act Attack can help you boost/activate your:

  • Confidence
  • Expression and creativity
  • Public speaking skills
  • Body awareness
  • Connection & interaction with others
  • Communication skills
  • English speaking skills
  • Happiness levels!

More benefits:

  • Focused and fun curricula from our experienced & motivating teachers
  • Personal & group feedback
  • Classes of 12 people max
  • Option to progress to the next level with a mini graduation show with your friends as audience 🎓🌟
  • Graduation certificates (upon request) & photo & video material from the shows
  • Safe and multicultural environment
Should I choose Acting or Improv?

Acting and Improv theater share similarities but have distinct differences:

Acting: Structured interpretation and portrayal of a character in scripted plays or films. Actors deliver the script authentically, memorizing lines and blocking, creating a consistent portrayal. This involves exploring physicality and character voices.

Improvisation (Improv): An unstructured process creating scenes without a script. Participants step out of comfort zones, think on their feet, and tap into spontaneity. Improv actors work with minimal preparation, creating characters, dialogue, and action on the spot, often in response to suggestions. It fosters fun, laughter, and camaraderie.

Purpose: Acting teaches honest, confident physical expression, fostering a deeper connection with character emotions. Improv enhances authentic empathy, creativity, quick thinking, and playfulness.

Benefits: Both Acting and Improv enhance communication skills, boost confidence, and deepen connections with oneself and others. While both develop acting skills, they require distinct approaches and skill sets.

Do you offer Discounts?

Yes! We want to have affordable prices so everyone can benefit from theater:

  • "Early Bird'' discount: offered to a student who booked a full course in advance.
  • ''Friends'' discount: offered to a student who joined a course together with his/her friend.
  • "Loyalty'' discount: offered to a student who joined 2 or more full courses within a year.
    *Discounts are not combined.

More info in our Terms & Conditions.

What is a Trial class?

A Trial class can be taken only at the 1st class of each course (is part of the full course). It is offered to students unsure about Acting or Improv, allowing them to try before committing. Booking the full course after your trial is subject to availability, as spots are limited and priority is given to those who booked the full course in advance.

What happens if I miss a class or two?

Students are expected to attend at least 80% of each course/package (so if the course has 8 classes, you can miss max 2 classes of the course/package you booked). Regular attendance & engagement significantly boosts the group dynamics & energy as well as provides the students with increased opportunities to partake in pair- and group activities. It is beneficial for a student to commit to the majority of the lessons in a course to ensure his/her personal & the group´s growth, also because each succeeding lesson will build on the skills and activities of the previous lesson.
Refunds, Amendments & Credits for 1 or 2 missed classes: Students can withdraw or cancel their booking for any reason at least 3-4 weeks before the group/private course starts. No amendments, credits, or compensations are provided for missing 1 or 2 classes. A small discount or special price might be offered based on availability. You can also invite a friend to join the class you will miss (depends on the course).

For more info click here.

Still have questions?

No worries! Send us a message and we'll be happy to assist you.
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